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Inquire Insured Info For Bank


Description : This API will help in getting all the info about an individual person with nationalNumber as a Query parameter. The EXP api will call the PRC layer and the process layer will request the SYS layer, SYS layer will call the backend SSC server to get the detailed information about the nation Number.

Channels can consume Mulesoft’s REST API exposed as an experience API.

Mulesoft Request:

Mandatory Headers: client_id, x-channel-id, x-correlation-id, x-bank-id, Authorization

Optional Headers: x-user-id, x-sub-channel-id, x-debug-flag, x-customer-id ,client_secret

URI Parameter

nationalNumberstringYesMin 10 Max 109622027857Unique 10 digit national number of a person

Mulesoft Response:

Success Response: (200)

Response Body: application/json

Sample Response

  "status": {
    "success": true,
    "code": "200",
    "arabicMessage": "تمت العملية بنجاح",
    "englishMessage": "The Operation has been Successfully Completed"
  "response": {
    "inquireInsuredInfo": {
      "persInfo": {
        "socialSecurityNumber": "9622007430",
        "nationalNumber": "9622027857",
        "firstName": "وليد",
        "secondName": "عيسى",
        "thirdName": "محمد",
        "lastName": "عيد",
        "gender": "أنثى",
        "dateOfbirth": "06/01/1962",
        "nationality": "الاردن",
        "registrationDate": "01/08/2012",
        "deductionAmount": "268.248",
        "firstCorporate": "خضوع الاختيارى",
        "currentCorporate": "خضوع الاختيارى",
        "note": "personal note about customer"
      "salInfo": [
          "year": "2020",
          "salary": "220.330",
          "corporateNumber": "10000000",
          "corporateName": "خضوع الاختيارى",
          "note": "salary note",
          "approveDesc": "salary info"
          "year": "2016",
          "salary": "111.555",
          "corporateNumber": "10000000",
          "corporateName": "خضوع الاختيارى",
          "note":  "salary note",
          "approveDesc": "salary info"
      "workInfo": [
          "startDate": "01/12/2019",
          "salary": "159.357",
          "stopDate": "01/01/2023",
          "stopDescr": "sdshjd",
          "corporateNumber": "10000000",
          "corporateName": "خضوع الاختيارى",
          "note": "workInfo",
          "approveDesc": "work info",
          "monthCount": "33"
          "startDate": "01/10/2019",
          "salary": "159.357",
          "stopDate": "31/10/2019",
          "stopDescr": "بناءً على طلب المؤمن عليه",
          "corporateNumber": "10000000",
          "corporateName": "خضوع الاختيارى",
          "note": "work info",
          "approveDesc": "work info",
          "monthCount": "1"

Sample Error Response:

Error codes :


content-type: JSON

    "status": {
        "success": false,
        "code": "400",
        "reasonCode": "BadRequest",
        "arabicMessage": "",
        "englishMessage": "No records were found that matched the selection criteria",
        "errorCode": "",
        "backendErrorMessage": ""
Below fields should be given back to Channel if x-debug flag = 1

                "errorCode": "",
        "backendErrorMessage": "",
